At Broadway Pet Clinic we firmly believe that getting your pet neutered/spayed is the best option when considering his/her health! We are now dedicating our time to service our existing clients, along with the City of Long Beach and surrounding areas, to make these procedures more affordable while still maintaining quality care. Your pet will have a devoted team, from beginning to end, monitoring your fur baby's progress throughout the procedure, ready to give kisses and hugs when they wake from anesthesia!
These prices apply to the following:
- Dogs 2 years or younger and who are less than 35 lbs
- Cats under 2 years of age with no weight restriction
Please call ahead to schedule an appointment!
** PLEASE NOTE: All pets must be current on vaccines before surgery **
This includes: Rabies, FVRCP (for cats) and DA2PP/Bordetella (for dogs)
*For pets over 2 years and/or 35lbs, please call for estimate*
All pet's that are
scheduled for surgery must be seen in the clinic for a pre op exam with Dr Sam, during which you will be able to meet with Dr. Sam and ask any questions you may have before your pet's surgery.
-Felines doing spay and neuter appointments must be tested for FELV/FIV prior to surgery ($55)
Cat Neuter: $180
Dog Neuter under 35 lbs: $350
Dog Neuter 35-50lb: $400
Dog Neuter Over 50lbs call office
Cat Spay: $320
Dog Spay under 35 lbs: $380
Dog Spay 35lb-50lb: $450
Dog Spay over 50lbs Call office
IN HEAT and PREGNANCY charges do apply
Additional Pricing:
Pre-Anesthetic Blood Work:
(done same day of surgery)
Blood Panel : $125-$250
Highly recommended to check Kidney, Liver function and complete CBC for safe processing
of anesthesia.
Microchip $35 w/surgery
Dog Pregnant Surcharge: $60-$85
Cat Pregnant Surcharge:$75-$150
Overweight Charge (female dogs): $60
Umbilical Hernia Repair: $250 add
Anal Gland Expression: $15 w/surgery
Nail Trim: $9 w/surgery
(price does not include cauterization)